ReSe Applications LLC provides Remote Sensing Software Applications for processing of multispectral and hyperspectral images.

ATCOR Predefined Sensors and Database

Basics | Features | Sensor Support | Methods | ATCOR-2 Results | ATCOR-3 Results

Supported Satellite Sensors (in alphabetical order)

An processing module is included in ATCOR-3 for hyperspectral sensors such as Hyperion or CHRIS/Proba; these sensors do not have a stable spectral calibration or a large number of spectral modes. Therefore, the atmospheric LUTs frequently have to be recalculated in compliance with the updated spectral calibration. A simple interface is available to specify the required sensor information (number of channels, field-of-view, and channel spectral response curves). This information is subsequently used to calculate the sensor-specific atmospheric LUTs from the monochromatic atmospheric database supplied with the add-on module of ATCOR. Although this add-on module is mainly intended for hyperspectral sensors it can also be employed for definition of new multispectral instruments. The distribution includes examples of the sensor definition files for CHRIS (hyperspectral template), ASTER (multispectral template), and Hyperion.

Examples of supported hyperspectral satellite sensors

Atmospheric Database

  • Atmospheres with different vertical profiles of pressure, air temperature, humidity, ozone content (water vapor columns from 0.4 to 5.0 [g/cm2] sea-level-to-space)
  • Various aerosol types (rural, urban, maritime, desert)
  • Visibilities (surface meteorological range) 5 - 120 km (hazy to very clear)
  • Ground elevations 0 - 4.0 km, extrapolated for higher elevated regions
  • Solar zenith angles 0 - 75 degree
  • Tilt geometries (e.g. SPOT, Ikonos) with tilt angles up 50 degrees are supported
  • A discrete set of relative azimuth angles (0 - 180 deg., increment 30 deg.) is provided for the atmospheric LUTs of tilt sensors, interpolation is applied if necessary
  • Capability for mixing of atmospheres (water vapor, aerosol)

The sensor-specific database is available for the standard multispectral sensors, i.e., Landsat TM, ETM+, SPOT, IRS-P6 etc. For sensors with varying spectral modes, e.g., CHRIS, the ATCOR add-on module for hyperspectral sensors is recommended which allows user-defined sensors. Two monochromatic spectral databases are delivered with the ATCOR-3 software to be able to generate the required sensor-specific atmospheric LUTs. The first database is intended for nadir-viewing sensors. Its spectral sampling grid is 0.4 nm from 350 nm to 2550 nm. The second one is intended for CHRIS and besides nadir it includes the tilt geometries of 35 degree and 55 degree with a spectral sampling grid of 1 nm covering the CHRIS wavelength range of 400 nm to 1050 nm.

The databases are calculated with the Modtran®-5 code using the scaled DISORT option, and the more accurate correlated k algorithm in atmospheric absorption regions.